Welcome Pack – Immersion anglais « Parcours efficacité » – Craon
Discover your Welcome Pack including all the information you need for your « immersion anglais – Parcours efficacité » language training at the Château de Craon!
You are coming to Châteaux des langues for an immersion.
This is your chance to really improve your English and to take everything that you have learned in the past and put it all together into a solid base.
The course is intense, professional and structured but the atmosphere is pleasant and relaxed.
Our motivated and energetic team are here to inform, guide and encourage you to make sure that you get the maximum benefit from your week with us. The diversity of our teaching team means that we can cater to any linguistic need you may have.
To maintain your concentration during these intense days, there are different teachers, activities and rooms every hour. On Wednesday, for something a little different, we have a cooking session when you prepare the dinner !
You will be staying in the château with all meals provided. We aim to cater to your every need in order to create the ideal learning environment to concentrate on the language.
To provide you with a communication tool by developing, understanding and practising the most effective learning methods.
To accelerate oral, audio and written skills in order to be more efficient in professional situations.
To develop mechanisms which will help you to react more quickly and spontaneously.
Morning Schedule
We begin at 10am on Monday
08h30 – 09h00 : Structured exercices
09h00 – 09h30 : Breakfast – Comments & discussion about the news
09h30 – 10h00 : « Small talk » during a walk in the countryside
10h00 – 11h15 : The tool « Le kit des bases grammaticales »
11h15- 11h30 : Coffee break
11h30 – 12h20 : Elearning session
12h30 – 13h30 : Lunch – professional meeting role-play
13h30 – 14h00 : Coffee and time for external contact with mobiles and laptops
Afternoon schedule
We finish at 5pm on Friday
14h00 – 15h15 : The Tool « Le kit des bases grammaticales » / Programme C.O.M
15h15 – 15h45 : Structured exercises on the « kit »
15h45 – 16h00 : Coffee break
16h00 – 19h00 : Elearning session
19h00 – 19h15 : Personal recap time
19h15 – 19h30 : Time for external contact with mobiles and laptops
& possibility to consult a teacher
19h30 – 21h00 : Pre-dinner aperitif / Dinner – social conversation
21h00 – 21h30 : Pronunciation
21h30 – 22h30 : Structured television exercise
Click here for the entire programme
Click here for the « Règlement intérieur »
You want to sound more English?
You need key words to help you feel more comfortable?
Click to download your list of essentials:
Transition words and key phrases
Please have a look before you arrive because we will ask you to use them during your immersion.
When you arrive we will show you our method for improving your listening and comprehension skills. To help you to get the maximum benefit from this method please watch 3 TED Talks with the English subtitles before you come.
Levels A2 – B1
Please inform us of your personal requirements with the following form :
Mealtimes are simulations of real situations.
Before you arrive please prepare your subjects for a business meeting role play and a social dinner.
Click to download the details:
Please aim to arrive between 9:30 and 10am on Monday morning.
There are regular trains from Paris Montparnasse to Laval.
To be sure to enjoy the whole programme please note that you should arrive by the following trains:
On Monday : 08h40 at Paris Montparnasse (to arrive at 09h55 in Laval)
On Friday : 17H17 at Laval train station (to arrive at 18h49 at Paris Montparnasse)
We will arrange for someone to collect you at the station and bring you to the château. You will easily recognise the person as they will have a Châteaux des langues sign and will be waiting at the taxi stand outside the train station.
If you are not coming from Paris, or would like to take a different train, please discuss this with us before booking your tickets.
Please inform us how you intend to travel as soon as possible.

For those who wish to arrive on Sunday when our Centre is not open.
We recommend the Hôtel Ibis Style :
8 Avenue Robert Buron, 53000 Laval • 02 43 67 19 25
If you wish to use the taxi service and you are not taking the train, the meeting point is at 9:55 am at the Gare de Laval. Please let us know by email beforehand so that we can order the taxi.
Breakfast (coffee & croissants), lunch and dinner are all provided.
If you have any special dietary requirements (allergies, vegetarian, etc….)
please let us know in advance by email (direction@chateauxdeslangues.com) or by phone (+ 33 2 43 53 55 63).
We have included some outdoor walks in this course, so we provide boots.
We also provide towels in the bedrooms.
Please also bring some pens and writing paper and an ID CARD or PASSPORT. All other teaching materials will be provided by us.
Remember that at certain times of the year the weather can get cold, so please bring a nice warm jumper with you.
We hope that this Welcome Pack has been useful to you and wish you a good trip to the Château de Craon for your « immersion anglais – Parcours efficacité » language training!